Are you interested to work in health care sector?

We are also recruiting Qualified Chef, Kitchen assistant and Front Office Staff for permanent placement and holiday cover. If you are looking for a new challenging role, Register now.


Qualified health care staffs ready to serve you.

Supplying medical and non-medical personnel to some of the UK’s largest private health and nursing care facilities, care homes, as well as other business sectors.Request here.

Professional Staffs

Other Industries We Serve

Providing a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

We are Independent and
professional agency.

" Every business needs someone to manage trained staff support to full fill service requirements. Whether you sell products or services, Sussex Staffing Ltd can help run your business by supplying skilled and experienced staffs "

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Sample Post No 3

Sample Post No 3

Videre quicquam. Caeca ligavit: est inmensa manebat fuit tonitrua. Nec piscibus. Mixta ignea coeptis longo summaque tepescunt. Dispositam ignea. Motura levius orbe gentes liquidum sua nam.

Sample Post No 2

Sample Post No 2

Sanctius praecipites prima illas erectos di coeperunt. Quoque legebantur zephyro madescit omnia illis liberioris fuerant. Omnia principio aliis mea levitate.

Another sample editorial post

Another sample editorial post

Finxit neu nunc zephyro! Metusque ne diversa. Flamma corpore septemque aliud diu. Animus pondus cum terrae illis septemque tepescunt flamina. Deducite ardentior omni rectumque coeptis caeli. Diffundi...

Our Success Stories

Just fabulous

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Emily Copper

Awesome ! Loving It

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Hania Sheikh

Very quick and Fast

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Arslan Tariq

Just fabulous

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Humayun Sarfraz

Very quick and Fast

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Muhammad Umair

Awesome ! Loving It

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Hania Sheikh

Just fabulous

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Justin Shapes

Awesome ! Loving It

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Hania Sheikh

Very quick and Fast

Independent and professional nursing agency,guarantee to be available 24/7 and to provide a fast and efficient response to all enquiries

Mark Hales


Sussex Staffing is to fulfill the need of our clients by offering a service which suits their requirements.

"To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth." - Pearl S. Buck           "We recruit for attitude and train for skill" - Atul Gawande           "People might not get all they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get." - Frederick Douglass